Blazer Fresh - Turn ks1 movement breaks into daily T4W sessions
Every teacher knows GoNoodle, but let me tell you why Blazer Fresh (Yes, Really!) is the series for your movement breaks in KS1 and even EYFS
fold ‘N Fly
Fold ‘N Fly a fantastic tool for searching paper aeroplane designs by their abilities and how difficult they are, a great way to practice and build dexterity. A must for every primary classroom.
The Parable of the Polygons
The Parable of the Polygons is a beautiful visual explainer you can play through, an absolute classic from back in 2014. If you haven’t played it you’ve missed out. I think all teachers should use it as a way to introduce systemic issues and the legacy of prejudice.
The Genderbread person
The Genderbread person is a great teaching tool to help parents, teachers and young people (although they generally are more with) understand the modern language around gender, attraction and identity
An amazing puzzle game from the University of Utah, completing this interactive experience (which you don’t have to do all in one session) teaches Mendel’s inheritance at a far higher level than required at GCSE in a visual, automatically marked way (with answers you can find by googling)